How to Increase Swing Speed & Hit Bombs Off the Tee

If you want to know how to increase your swing speed, you’ve come to the right place.

I have progressively increased my own swing speed over the last couple of years, and have tried pretty much every method you’ll find on the internet. Including training aids, exercises, and simple DIY methods.

I’ve gained 40 yards off the tee and consistently hit the ball over 300 yards.

But it’s not all unicorns and rainbows, there are some things you should consider while you work to increase swing speed in your golf game. In this article, I’m sharing my tips and lessons learned over the last couple of years as I’ve worked on my own clubhead speed.

Ways to Increase Swing Speed

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Swing Speed Training (most effective)
Optimize your equipment (least effective)
Gym Exercises for Maximum Speed (optional)
Optimize Swing Mechanics (long term)
Increase Flexibility (everyone should do this)

Why Increase Clubhead Speed?

Well, you probably already know this, but quite simply – More clubhead speed = more distance

And more distance translates to lower scores on the golf course.

Most recreational golfers can add 5 – 7 MPH of clubhead speed within just 6 weeks, including those 60+ years old. That translates to an extra 15 – 21 yards of distance off the tee! That means using 1 to 2 less clubs on your approach shot.

Imagine using a 7-iron on your approach as opposed to a 5-Iron. Or a 9-Iron instead of a 7-Iron. Huge difference!

Swing Speed Training

Whether you are an experienced golfer, a beginner, old, young, male, or female…swing speed training is in my opinion the most effective way to increase swing speed.

RelatedComparison of the best swing speed training aids

Training Aids are plentiful in the world of golf. Honestly, pretty much any one of them will work if you put the time and effort into it. The best ones out there in my opinion are The Stack System and Rypstick.
DIY methods can also be an effective way to increase your swing speed. The key here is finding the ability to swing both lighter and heavier items. (i.e. use a shaft only, or alignment rod for lighter weight. Use a donut weight for heavier). Here is a detailed plan for a DIY method and training plan.

According to Dr. Sasho MacKenzie “swing speed training is crucial for golfers as it focuses on enhancing the neuromuscular system, enabling them to maximize the kinetic energy transferred to the club”

In layman’s terms, this means that swing speed training helps golfers train their muscles and nerves to work together more effectively, allowing them to swing faster and generate greater swing speed.

RelatedRypstick Review & Stack System Review

Optimize Your Equipment

Optimizing your equipment can get you some immediate gains in both swing speed and distance. But this is my least favorite method since it will offer limited gains and you will have some tradeoffs to consider.

Modern Clubs tend to be lighter, more aerodynamic, and more forgiving. If you are using a driver that is 5 years old or older, it might be worth upgrading to gain some additional speed. This can be an expensive option, however.
A Lighter Shaft will reduce the overall weight of your golf club making it easier to swing faster. This can be an expensive option and may only yield 1-2 mph. If this is an approach you are considering, a professional fitting is recommended.
A Longer Shaft will increase the arc size of your swing, leading to more leverage and ultimately faster swing speeds. A longer shaft can also lead to less accuracy. Standard drivers are typically between 45 – 46 inches. USGA rules allow the club length to go up to 48 inches. If you are considering a longer shaft, I would also recommend a fitting.
A Golf Ball cannot increase clubhead speed, but choosing the right one can lead to more distance off the tee, which is ultimately the goal here. You can find the right ball for your swing speed that optimizes distance here.

Gym Exercises for Maximum Speed

Professional golfer and swing coach, Jaacob Bowden, outlines the most effective exercises to help golfers achieve more clubhead speed. Each of these exercises can be done with a set of exercise bands.

High-to-Low Band Stretches
Decline Chest Flyes
Lat Pulldowns
Tricep Pulldowns
Lat Raises
Incline Chest Flyes

Optimizing Swing Mechanics

Grip pressure is a very simple fix that doesn’t necessarily require long-term work to modify. When golfers squeeze the grip too hard, it causes other muscles in your upper body to be tense and ultimately leads to less speed throughout the swing.
Shallowing the club can lead to more power through the downswing, but this can take significant time to work into your golf swing. I would proceed with caution on this one though, get a swing coach, or at least video/analyze to track your progress over time.
Releasing your hands through impact can generate a lot of “last-second” speed as you whip the clubhead through impact. This is an area that I struggled with early on, but saw significant improvement after working through swing speed training with the Stack System.
Tempo is going to be important to maintain throughout your swing. Your backswing should increase in speed proportionally to your downswing to maintain an ideal 3:1 ratio. Here are some tips to help you with swing tempo.

How to Increase Flexibility for Golf

Hip Mobility and overall flexibility are critical for speed in the golf swing. Many golfers just go out and play, maybe a brief stretch here or there, but if you want to add more speed to your game, hip range of motion is critical. Here is a great u003ca href=u0022 target=u0022_blanku0022 rel=u0022noopener noreferreru0022u003e90-90 transition stretch routine from Dr. Chris Collieru003c/au003e on hip mobility. I like the 90-90 stretch and perform it in addition to the others listed below.

Total Time: 30 minutes

Hip Mobility Stretch:

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Stand upright for a standing version, or begin in a kneeling position for a floor-based variation.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: For standing, step into a lunge with the front knee bent and back leg straight. For the floor version, step one foot forward from a kneeling position into a half-kneeling stance.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Gently push hips forward to feel a stretch in the hip flexors of the back leg. Keep the front knee aligned with the ankle. For a deeper stretch, raise the arm on the same side as the back leg overhead, leaning slightly to the opposite side.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Perform 2-3 times on each side.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Maintain an upright upper body, engage the core, and breathe deeply throughout the stretch.

u003cstrongu003eChest Stretch:u003c/strongu003e

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Stand or sit upright. You can do this stretch standing in an open doorway or against a wall to deepen the stretch.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: Extend your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, with palms facing forward. If using a doorway, place your hands on the door frame.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Gently push your chest forward and squeeze your shoulder blades together until you feel a stretch across your chest. Keep your spine straight and avoid arching your back excessively.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Repeat 2-3 times.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Ensure that your shoulders are down and relaxed, not hunched up toward your ears.

Shoulder Stretch:

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Stand or sit upright. You can perform this stretch anywhere.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: Bring one arm across your body at about chest height.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Use your other hand to gently pull the elbow of the stretched arm closer to your body. You should feel a stretch on the outside of your shoulder.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Repeat 2-3 times on each side.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid lifting the shoulder of the arm being stretched.

Quadriceps Stretch:

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Stand near a wall or chair for balance. You can also do this lying down on your side.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: Lift one foot towards your buttocks and grab the ankle with the same-side hand.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Gently pull your heel closer to your buttocks until you feel a stretch in the front of your thigh. Keep your knees close together and your pelvis neutral.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Repeat 2-3 times on each leg.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Focus on keeping your standing knee slightly bent and your spine straight to avoid arching your back.

Glute Stretch:

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Sit on the floor with both legs extended in front of you.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: Cross one leg over the other so that the foot is flat on the floor outside the opposite knee.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Gently pull the raised knee towards the opposite shoulder while twisting your torso towards the raised knee. You should feel a stretch in the buttocks of the bent leg.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Repeat 2-3 times on each side.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Keep your back straight and avoid rounding your shoulders forward.

Lower Back Stretch:

u003cstrongu003ePositionu003c/strongu003e: Lie on your back on a mat or comfortable surface.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eExecutionu003c/strongu003e: Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eMovementu003c/strongu003e: Gently pull both knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around your knees or thighs. Rock gently side to side if comfortable.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eDurationu003c/strongu003e: Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eRepetitionsu003c/strongu003e: Repeat 2-3 times.u003cbru003eu003cstrongu003eTipu003c/strongu003e: Keep your head and neck relaxed on the floor. Avoid lifting your hips too high off the ground.

Materials: A comfortable mat (optional)n

Increasing flexibility is something every golfer looking to gain speed should be doing. Whether you are working on speed training, optimizing your swing mechanics, or just playing in general, these stretches can help you prevent injury and reduce overall pain while you play.

Other Considerations When Increasing Swing Speed

Now that you know all of the things you can do to increase swing speed, here are a few things you should also consider to maximize your efforts and produce long-term gains.

Nutrition & Hydration – We all know it, good nutrition and hydration will help you recover more quickly and ensure you’re not carrying extra pounds.

Rest & Recovery – Just like good nutrition, proper rest can lead to faster recovery. Equally important is taking the time to recover. You should not be doing swing speed training daily. Taking time off to allow your body to recover is critical to long-term success.

Seasonal training strategies – If you golf a lot during a certain time of the year I would avoid doing speed training during that time. Reserve the full-on speed training for the off-season, otherwise, you will risk injury, overuse, and can end up being in pain the full season. I made this mistake early on and it was not worth it. Use the winter to make your gains, then simply maintain through the regular season.

Adaptations – If you are a senior, or have limited mobility, it is absolutely fine to drop your trail leg back in your stance to allow for more hip rotation. Line up to the ball just as you normally would, then simply move your trail foot back (as if you’re taking a step backwards) about 6-12 inches. Find what is comfortable for you.

Tracking your progress – It’s one thing to observe the ball going further on the golf course, but setting goals and tracking your progress will lead to more gains in the long-term. A decent starting point may be a goal of adding 6mph, or 18 yards of distance, in 6 weeks. Use a speed radar to monitor your speed

Final Thoughts

Swing speed training is the most effective way to increase swing speed. Your muscles and nervous system need to be trained to produce greater speeds. Equipment optimization, swing mechanics, and strength training will produce results, but they will be limited compared to speed training.

Flexibility is also critical, not only for added speed, but for injury prevention and recovery from any speed training you may do.

You should also set a goal and track your progress, this will keep you accountable and help ensure you maximize your potential.

Don’t overdo it, get proper rest, and take the time to recover. This will help you avoid injury and contribute to long-term gains.

Adding swing speed to your game takes a long-term approach. You can certainly see gains quickly, but tangible and sustained increases take months, not weeks.

Good luck, and let me know if you have any questions in the comments.

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